Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh, Brain, Where Art Thou?

I guess I have a lot on my mind lately, between worrying about taking boards, getting patients for boards, finding a job, being a mommy... did I leave anything out? I'm sure I did. Here are a few things I have done lately...
1. Had a guy in to try in some wax rims for making a denture (basically, they are an outline of the shape and height of the denture) and let him leave without recording his bite... therefore, I had to bring him back for a literal 2-second appointment before I could move on.
2. Dropped Boston off at the babysitters without his rocker to sleep in (luckily, he does OK in his carseat).
3. Showed up to school in scrub bottoms but no top, because I had been home during lunch to feed Boston and forgot to put it back on. Yes, I did have some sort of shirt on, though.
4. And here's one of the best, made bread in the breadmaker, but forgot to attach the little knob that mixes it. Turns out, it is very necessary. Here's what happens when you don't.
And it doesn't smell good either. Hopefully life calms down soon, cuz I would like my brain back.


Bonnie R. Paulson said...

you forgot to add trying to get sleep! go get some! jeesh chika!

Mandy Frehner said...

Sorry! Someday you'll look back and…be glad this stressful little part of you life is over! Too bad Brad's cavities weren't in the right spot. He would have love to hang with you guys. Hope you get a patient lined up soon and good luck!

Pini said...

Honestly, I don't know how you do it! I don't think people really "get" how crazy dental school is. Now factor in being mommy to a baby, finding work...etc...etc...etc. Hang in there Kristin. You've come this far, you'll make it out alive! :)