Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yummy Yummy, Oatmeal! (And talking out of my...)

Just before I had Boston, I had a conversation with Cami about "talking out of your butt." She told me how before she had kids, she had several opinions about things she would and wouldn't do when she did have kids. Then she had kids and learned that several of her opinions were just her, "talking out of her butt." I thought about that at the time, and I figured I had realistic opinions and expectations, so I didn't think I was talking out of mine.
Here are several ideas I had (pre-Boston):
1. I will never be one of those parents who cart their baby to the store at night, and the poor baby has to sleep in his carseat while they grocery shop. So selfish... Little did I know, this is probably the most efficient way to shop; Boston is quiet and doesn't need to be entertained. He's still sleeping, so he's not being deprived of that. So the shopping gets done quicker, and Boston never has to get PO'd that he's being pushed all over a store and not being held or played with.
2. I just won't go anywhere in the winter, except to drop the baby off on my way to school and pick him up on the way back home. Right... I think even Boston gets sick of being in the house all day. Just put a nice plush hat on him, some gloves, loads of blankets, and the carseat cover over the top, and he never even knows it's cold outside (although it is a pain to remove all that crap once inside so he doesn't roast).
3. I will never let my poor baby cry for longer than a few minutes without going to get him. I mean, if he's crying, something MUST be wrong... Ha! I laugh at that one now. Sometimes babies just cry. Actually, I think sometimes babies just LIKE to cry. Not that I let Boston scream and scream without attending to him. But if it takes him ten or twenty minutes to fall asleep, so be it. I know he's been fed and changed, so he's fine!
4. Why do parents let their babies get SO messy when they eat? I will never do that. It's not like it's THAT hard to scoop up what they spit out before it gets all over the place. I mean, come on! Yep, guilty of that one, too. And here's the picture to prove it!
Boston actually quite liked the oatmeal this time (I fed it to him in his swing), but of course, spits out as much as he gets in. And then takes his hands and smears the already-existing mess into an even bigger mess. But I'll never let my kids do that, right?


Pini said...

Oh so funny! Couldn't have said it better myself. Buckle your seatbelt...the older they get, the bigger the messes! :)

Nicole said...

Cute family pic. Is it just me, or is your hair red now. James liked the bumbo for about a week. Then he actually figured out how to get out of it. What a waste of money! He's a cutie with the mess all over his face. It gets even crazier as they get bigger. Then you're covered in the mess too.

Lexie said...

haha I LOVE this post. I was just talking about this today actually. I did a lot of talking out of my butt before Ty. Will you guys be coming for Christmas? If so, I hope I get to see you.

Unknown said...

So true! That winter comment cracks me up. I have to leave the house at least every 3 days or I just get crazy...-er. But hey, families are about filling the needs of everyone not just baby right???