Thursday, December 10, 2009

4 Month Stats

We went to the pediatrician last week for his four month well check. Boston gave him a great big smile when he came in - such a cutie pie! He weighed in at 16 lb 10 0z (80th percentile), was 25 in tall (50th percentile), and his cute little head - or big head - was 17 1/2 inches in circumference (95th percentile). So it looks like he is slimming down a little from last time, but is still a little shortie with a big head! Sounds about right...

Here are some facts about Boston at age 4 months:
He often sleeps through the night entirely, going to bed around 8 pm and waking around 5 am. (And lucky for me, he goes back to bed until 8 am after eating.)
He LAUGHS all the time and is so dang cute when he does it!
He loves to watch his mommy - whenever I leave the room, he totally follows me.
He demands to be held most of the time.
When he is not being held, he likes to play with his play gym (or as Mark and I refer to it - he likes to "smoke the monsters out"... one of the songs on it sounds like the tune of that part from Alice and Wonderland - "We'll smoke the monster out!" Yeah, we have issues...) He has learned to pull the toys down into his mouth and suck on them and gets ticked if he is placed too far away to accomplish this.
He likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; although I've been informed that I need to stop this, or else he will get ADD. Lol, Nikki, you crack me up!
He is starting to eat solid foods (rice cereal and oatmeal) but doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.
He STILL will not take a bottle to save his life (or his mommy's, lol)! Stinker!
His growing seems to be slowing a little - he is still in 3-6 months clothes for the most part; although a few select 6-12 month items fit.
He still has his mommy wrapped around his finger, and I am still having a VERY tough time leaving him to go to school.
We love this little guy so much, and he just gets cuter and cuter and more and more fun everyday. We love you so much, Boston, and we are so blessed to be your parents!


Pini said...

Kristin, you are such a wonderful mommy. Boston is lucky to have such great parents. One of these days we need to go and play...all of us. We miss you guys!

Heidi said...

He is such a cute boy! Your first bone is always the funnest! They grow up so fast! Have a wonderful Christmas!

The Morgan's said...

We miss seeing Boston lately!!! Winter needs to end already so we can stop getting sick. UGH. We just LOVE Boston! He is a very sweet baby. He is blessed to have such great parents, as well! You are all blessed to have each other!