Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Be Jolly!

We had Boston in his B'JOLLY pj's the other day, but he wasn't being so jolly...Eventually, he decided he was OK...
But then we decided to see how he liked his highchair for the first time. He was, once again, not so jolly!
He did finally warm up to it, though. Too bad we can't say the same for the food we tried to feed him. I really wish this kid would find something he liked to eat!

Doesn't he look so dang cute? I must say I do like his little dangling feet, too!


Mandy Frehner said...

You crack me up! And so does Boston. He is a cutie, sounds stubborn as heck, but adorable)

The Morgan's said...

Oh my goodness, too funny! Boston can be such a stinker sometimes! I agree with you Kristin, he does look super cute with his little feet dangling! Congrats Boston on starting in the highchair! And don't worry about finding food he likes! It will come! I've heard it can take a baby 12-15 tries of a food to actually start to like it, and really enjoy eating it! So keep at it Mommy, you're doing great!!!