Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas 2009

We went to get our pictures taken as a family today. We were going to just "walk in" like we did last time, since we kind of have to go off of Boston's timing, which is always unpredictable. We thought we would just go when he was in a good mood. But then we remembered it was December, and there would probably be a before-Christmas rush. So we called, and sure enough, there was only one appointment availabe. We took it. When we arrived, they told us it would be about another 45 min wait. Great, we thought. Boston is in a good mood NOW. Who knows what 45 min is going to bring. Probably hunger and crankiness. Great. So we went to Bajio for an early dinner, and when we got back about an hour later, they were finally ready for us. It was getting time for Boston to eat again, so I was very worried he would be getting hungry and cranky, but he actually did AWESOME! He took some of the cutest pictures I have ever seen. He was all smiles the entire time. Here are the "fruits" of our "labor" this afternoon. It really was quite an ordeal, but it all worked out.

This last one was cropped from a picture of the three of us. Mark and I looked like crap, and Boston adorable! Probably the best picture of him in the whole set, but of course, we looked like crap and couldn't use it!


Unknown said...

I love Boston in the chair! Such a cute little champ. Kristen, I love your hair by the way, and Mark, you're pretty too.

Pini said...

I have to agree with Vickie. Boston in the chair...the one where you can see his little feet...Delicious I say! And so dapper. Boston sure is handsome with a killer smile to boot! You all look great, what a darling family you have! Merry Christmas!

The Morgan's said...

I know I'm a little late commenting on this post...and I told you at church how cute they were...but can I just tell you how much I really love your family pics! Everytime I open up your blog and see your family picture it is just so adorable! What a beautiful family!!! You can see so much the love you and Mark have for Boston! It's precious!