Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boston and James

So the other day, we were looking at old pics on our computer, when we stumbled upon this:
At first, we thought, how did one of Boston's pictures get in with these old ones? And since when does Boston use a pacifier? Then we realized that this is NOT Boston, this is James! This picture was taken almost exactly one year ago when we were visiting my sister Nikki in California. I was just barely pregnant with Boston, and little Jamesy was about 4 months old, Boston's age now. I seriously cannot believe how much this looks like Boston! I think the only difference is that Boston has fatter cheeks!
So this picture is definitely not the best comparison, but looking through all my pictures, I realized that we really don't have any profile shots of Boston. So if you aren't convinced looking at these pictures, I guess you will just have to take my word for it!
One of the best things about it - James is still a little doll, and it looks like Boston is headed for the same path!

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