Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bumbo Love (or hate)

Boston totally hates his bumbo chair. He is such a turd! This is not a case of "Oh, the poor baby isn't strong enough to hold his head up so he's flopping all around..." He is perfectly capable of holding his head completely steady himself - he sits on my lap unassisted all the time. Actually, he can even sit up completely if I just hold his hands. But the second you put him in his bumbo chair, he arches his back like no tomorrow to try and get out of it! We were trying to get a picture of him in this little outfit that one of Mark's patients got him, so we put him in the bumbo. And, of course, he kicks his legs out and arches his back.
"No, mom, I don't want to sit up in this chair... I want out!" In this picture, he is totally pushing (hard) against my hand. Such a strong willed little baby!
"Get me outta here!" Shortly after I took this, he started yelling at me. He totally kills me - he is very particular with what he likes and doesn't like. And apparently the bumbo is like the bottle - he CAN do it, he just won't!

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