Friday, July 3, 2009

Spiders Everywhere!

I am so DANG sick of spiders! I think I kill at least five of them a day. And I'm not just talking tiny little spiders. I'm talking HUGE spiders - the kind you don't get out in the west. I feel like Ron Weasley... I get the shudders several times a day.

This morning I found three. One of them was so HUGE that it rebounded off the shoe I used to squish it with several times. It took several tries to finally kill it, and when I did, it splashed nasty spider juice everywhere. You know it's bad when you get guts everywhere. Anyway, I wish there were some sort of pest control that can get rid of spiders, but I have been informed there is not. And no, my house is not full of bugs attracting the spiders, it's just the spiders... So we are SOL for the summer, I guess.


Bonnie R. Paulson said...

May I tell you what we use up here in the northwest to get rid of the wolf spiders? seriously those things are evil...
There is a spray that you squirt around the interior border of all your rooms including your door and window seams. It WORKS!!! I do it three times a summer. It gets rid of them (well you find dead bodies for a bit, but you get the picture).
And yes, I am hecka excited that I did my posts for the week! You are too!!!

Unknown said...

hmm..actually the 'spiders' that Ron and Harry followed were enlarged whip scorpions..freaky all the same :P