Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Baby Stuff (Cuz There's Never Enough)

So these are just a few little things, but I am pretty excited about them. Several months ago, we got this cute little chalk board from IKEA for free with our purchase and really could think of nothing to do with it. Now, we have the perfect thing... and crazy enough, it was Mark's idea! It is going to be our "diaper duty" chart. Every time one of us changes a diaper, we get to put a little check by our name and "type" of diaper. I added the type specification because Mark has it in his head that he can change all the pees, and I can change all the poos. Dream on! I'll have to watch him (Mark) closely though, because I can totally see him cheating now that there's documentation...

And this is really not a big deal, but I thought it was a neat organizer. It has a place to dispense the diapers, to hold the wipes, and to hold the powder/lotion or whatever else you want. Notice how tiny these diapers are - they take up like half the length of the dispenser. I can't believe he is going to be so dang tiny at first.

And this is just something we found that we thought was cute. It is a height chart. It starts at 2 feet tall (which he won't be for a long while) and goes to about 5 feet. I thought it was really cute - it is decorated in all things little boy. And it matches the color scheme of his room very well. So if you can't tell, we are pretty dang excited for the next week and a half to get here - just 12 more days!


Pini said...

I'm waiting for the video of Mark changing a "messy" diaper. I can just see him now...dry heaving. Oh so funny...I'll come and video if you need me to. It has to be documented!

Nicole said...

Cute! I need one of those chalk board things for my kitchen. Do they still have them? Mark's never going to change those diapers. I'm on my third and I'm still waiting for that day. Birthdays, anniversaries, days you're crazy sick, that's when he'll change them. It will be really nice when he does though. John is a great bather though. That's the one you'll want him to do. It takes up so much time when you're already tired.