Friday, July 3, 2009

Baby Boston's Room (or as Mark has it, Baby Bean)

First of all, please do not call my child "Bean." Mark has been joking all week that he is going to nickname him that. I told him, if anything, it can be "Boss." But I don't think our little one is going to have any nickname at all. Boston is cute enough. Anyway, here is a 360 degree view of Boston's room as it is right now. It is amazing how much stuff you need (and want) for such a tiny little person...
Here is the view straight ahead from the door. We wanted his crib to be on an inside wall, which happens to be right off the entrance. I know I have already posted pics of his crib, but we finally got the mobile up (ask Mark how fun that was to hang...) and I think it looks really cute. We had to hang it because the apparatus for mounting it to the crib was too small. So now it is hanging in two studs, which Mark had lots of fun finding. A close up of our wall would show just how much fun... Also, here are the swing and rocker/bouncer we picked out. We liked how simple and sleek they were. Who knew Fisher Price could be so posh.
A small rotation brings us to the changing table (thanks again to Mark's mom and dad). I think it is such a cute set with the two-tone and all. We also found this shelf (actually, it is a "room divider") from Target that is great for holding all his stuff. Notice our one lonely pack of diapers on the top left (my cousin Missy landed us these from the hospital). Soon it will be overflowing...
Here is a look at the wall opposite the crib. The shelf actually matches the crib and changer very well, although in the previous picture it appears quite a bit darker. And no, that is not Mark's "finished product" of Fenway Park. We realized that there is no hope of getting that done before the baby comes, so we broke down and bought a print. We also found cute baseball things at "Hobby Lobby" (yeah, that's right, I said Hobby Lobby).

And this view of the closet brings you all the way around his room, which was Annie's request. I thought I would include the inside of his closet because it is amazing to me that this kid has more clothes than I do. And the ones in here are actually the bigger ones - all the ones that will fit him earlier are in his dresser. So that pretty much completes the tour - be sure to tip your tour guide (via comments) on the way out...


Bonnie R. Paulson said...

I want that for my room!!

Alicia said...

Very cute and boyish. You're getting close! I'm sure you are very ready to be done. Good luck with the last minute details.

Wubird said...

So dang jealous. No room in my house looks nice like that. EVER!
P.S. I'm having my kid in like three days!
He'll be here before you know it. I know Indiana is hot, but it's like 110 here!

Sara said...

Awww...his room is so cute! I bet you can't wait for that little guy to get here:) Not too much longer! You are definitely prepared:)

Nicole said...

So cute! I love it. Just keep those huge spiders away from baby Bean. BTW I think you should go with it. I have a pickle and a booger. Bean is cute.