Thursday, July 9, 2009

Baby Update

Since no one else has seemed to update their blogs recently, I guess I'll take a shot at it. I went to my OB appointment yesterday (alone, since Mark is in Nebraska this week) and had an ultrasound to see if Boston is still being a stinker. The answer is yes, he is still breech. They measured the amniotic fluid, and at this point it appears that there is not enough to turn him. Since I didn't see my doctor (I saw one of the partners) they didn't tell me whether the aversion (trying to turn the baby) is a no-go for sure, but my guess is they probably won't try now unless my fluid levels increase substantially. And since I am in school and can't just lie around all day drinking fluids (and peeing), I am thinking that's probably not going to happen. So at this point it looks like we will probably be doing a c-section, which is so not what I was hoping for. I have graduated to weekly appointments now, so hopefully next week I will know a little bit more...


Bonnie R. Paulson said...

Hey Chika,
Remember in Vegas sitting in Biology PG with Bodey? I went into early labor because I didn't have enough water. I was in school and starting the next day i was downing over a gallon of water a day. Find a way. Take breaks and guzzle 8 ouncers and take breaks to pee (you actually end up not peeing that much... i didn't), you're prego and people get if you run to the bathroom all day.

You can do it! You can do it, Cinderelli!

If you need to talk, you've got my number!

BTW, LOVE your backdrop! it is SOOOOOOO you!

Annie said...

A c-section really isn't the end of the world. Look at the pros and cons. Pros: being able to go pee, being able to go poo, no super itchy "healing" going on "down there", no hemorrhoids plaguing you for the rest of your life, being able to sit, no labor/no pushing/no contractions/no epidural/o back pain, no bleeding after labor, baby arrives perfect not scarred up and jaundiced with a cone head, no chance of cord strangulation or swallowing meconium, vagina still intact with no tears or episiotomy, it is scheduled so you know, and MOM knows, exactly what day and time you will be having baby bean, ... Cons: scar (covered by fup), higher chance of infection, possibility of not being able to breast feed without a pump to stimulate flow, baby has a harder time breathing, it's surgery.
So there you have it. Talk to other people who have had SCHEDULED c-sections. Emergency c's don't count.
I love you and will be here for you if you need me.
Love, Annie

Carolanne said...

c section will be ok if you have to have it...we will be here to help you. we just want what is best for you and the baby-is it baby bean now? hmmm watch it it could stick and then the poor kid will be doomed. i can't believe the time is so close! glad mark is home safely! Love, Mom (in-law)

Mandy Frehner said...

Having just had my third c-section three days ago, you'll be okay:) The recovery, especially for a scheduled c-section is pretty quick. Plus you won't know any different. Plus you won't have to go through intense labor and then have to have one. I think that is when it's the worst. Good luck with everything! We look forward to seeing little Boston!

Cami said...

That's crappy the little guy is still turned wacky! Better watch out - sounds like he's stubborn already! Like everybody else said, if you have to have a schelduled C-section, everything will still be alright. Plus, labor pains are totally over rated. Love you!