Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Dammeron Valley Christmas

We drove up to Dammeron early Christmas afternoon. The kids had already opened all their gifts from Santa at home, so it was fun to have another go at present opening after the morning's excitement had somewhat died down. Here are Natalie and Jackson, all poised and ready to open more gifts. What cuties!

Natalie is a gum maniac. We thought it would only be appropriate to get her a life sized gum ball machine. Although we did worry that it may cause some sibling jealousy (what 6 year old wouldn't also want a gum ball machine, especially his little sister's), it all turned out well in the end, as Natalie was very willing to share her gum with the entire room.

Here's Jackson with one of his gifts from us. He is really into science lately, and this was a science kit that makes candy, soda, cupcakes, you name it. That's the best kind of science there is! He also got some fun outdoor items: sidewalk chalk and sidewalk paint, which I thought was really cool. Although we found out later that sidewalk paint doesn't come off the pavement so well. Sorry, Annie! And Carolanne...

And here's a goof ball shot of Mark opening one of his presents from his family. We got a really cute nativity from Annie and Mark's parents. We also got some cute clothes and something really awesome... little kid dentist books stuffed with twenty dollar bills! Bring it on, baby!
And here's a shot of Mark's grandparents. They were so funny - they each sat on one side of the couch, leaving a gaping hole in between them. Mark told them they had to get together for a picture, and I love that Mark's grandma was like, "Well, he can move then..." Guess that never changes no matter how old we get...

1 comment:

Bonnie R. Paulson said...

HOLY crap! Can anyone say Simkin boy! Jeesh.

Looks like a ton of fun you guys! Keep cooking that thing!

love you!