Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas Eve Talent Show

Christmas Eve with the Gifford Clan is always so much fun - and usually quite entertaining. Something we have added to our traditions the past few years is the inclusion of a kid's talent show. Sometimes the kids really deliver (like a few years back with Chandler's solo of Silent Night - we were really disappointed this year, Chan, what happened to that Beyonce dance?), and I think we've even seen some really cool ninja moves from Stephen in the past. Here is a run down of this year's talent:

As always, we start with the youngest, but Jonah was not up to performing this year. So this time, we started out with Stephen and Harrison demonstrating some defensive moves (I think how to break someone's arm was among them). This picture is really blurry because our lovely camera has issues capturing movement, but you get the idea.

Next came Alyssa Lu's dance from High School Musical. She really went all out this year, performing to the entire song. At one point, there was a break in the music, and we all began to clap, but she assured us there was more and danced until the music stopped. Go Wildcats! Good job, Alyssa!

Rachel did an awesome job this year playing the saxophone. She really has a knack for it - she had just started playing it and made first chair over several kids that had been playing it all year. As my dad would say, that's the Gifford blood shining through. Way to go, Rach!

Now this was one of my biggest disappointments. Chandler can always be counted on to create quite a spectacle and entertain an audience. He was planning on dancing (high heels and all) to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" song (put a ring on it). I guess he chickened out, or else maybe Brent threatened him about wearing high heels. Whatever the reason, he didn't perform at all - he just sat in this chair, said "Hi", and then sat down. Such a disappointment. I expected more from you, Chan. You'll really have to make up for it next year...

After Chandler, Jake performed on his trumpet. The only thing that could have made it better is if he would have worn his band uniform while he did it! That would have been fun - maybe next year.

And here is Kaitlyn getting all set up to play her violin. She and Jake have gotten really good over the years since they started playing. I can't believe they are both in high school - scary.

And here are all the kids (post-talent show), posing as always. Good job to everyone who participated... Jonah and Chandler, we hope for more from you next year.

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