Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yummy Yummy French Fries!

We didn't get any pictures of Boston on Easter, which I'm kind of sad about. Don't know what the heck I was thinking, but oh well. I considered re-staging it, with him, his basket, and his cute little outfit. But then I decided it wouldn't be the same. So here's something else cute...
Mark has been home with Boston this week, which he loves, but he hasn't been out of the house much. So today in my roughly hour and a half time slot between morning and afternoon clinics, we decided to get lunch at Wendy's. Boston, as always, just sat there being a good little boy. But he was totally eyeing our food. So I grabbed a fry, licked off all the salt (I know, that's totally gross) and held it up to him. He totally went for it. I thought he would gag, but he loved it! It was so cute watching him. At one point he actually started taking tiny little bites and gumming it! He ate two whole fries. It was the cutest thing in the world!
So, not quite as fun as easter pics, but still pretty darn cute!


Bonnie R. Paulson said...

why'd you lick off the salt? very cute btw!

Heidi said...

So cute! That will be is favorite thing now! Then it will be chicken nuggets! All the bad stuff we know our kids shouldn't eat, but we give them anyway cause it makes them happy!