Sunday, April 11, 2010


So you were supposed to be singing that to the tune of "Take me out to the ballgame," but whatever... So after church, following his photo shoot in his church get-up, we decided to take Boston out to the backyard to play. It was pretty darn warm today, so we got him suited up for the warm weather. We got him all slathered with sunblock and went out to play. Mark gave him a real live bat and ball, which he was totally enthralled with! There are lots of pictures here, so I won't comment on all of them, but some were just too cute to leave out of the post.

After playing with his real bat and ball (more like, after mom and dad watching every move I make with my bat and ball) we decided to switch it out for some real playtime. He loves this toy Angie got him. As soon as we brought it out, he totally dove for it!

He is so cute! We just love this little guy!


Pini said...

I love the 1st pic. So funny! He is so excited! He is so dang cute!

Nancy said...

oh he is so cute. I can't believe I haven't even seen him! I hope everything is going well with finishing up school. You're almost done!

Nancy said...

oh shoot...that was Lexie that commented. I'm on my mom's computer