Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WT Saturday

So this is probably not what you were all expecting (or wanting) to see on my blog, but I thought it was worthy... just reminds me of where I live if I ever forget. Last Saturday, Mark and I went to the outlet malls. We were walking out of a store when we caught sight of this...

And maybe it's "trashy" of me to do, but since I was pushing Boston's stroller and could be discrete, I angled my phone up, as if I were checking a text message or something, and snapped a quick picture as I walked by. I especially love how the guy in the sleeveless, stomachless shirt has his hands down his overalls, too. It just completes the picture!

1 comment:

Pini said...

Ewwww Sicko! I'm going to have nightmares tonight. (shudder)