Friday, November 6, 2009

Three Months Old!

Our little man is three months old today! This has been the best three months of our lives... we just love this little boy to pieces! He is the cutest, sweetest little guy ever. Here are some fun facts about Boston at age three months:
1. He loves to smile and coo at his mommy and daddy.
2. He loves everything about his play gym - staring at the lights, listening to the music, and hitting and sucking on the toys.
3. He loves to eat (only the good stuff) - he still will not take a bottle, the little turd!
4. He loves his swing, now that we realized we could recline it.
5. He sleeps from 8pm to 8am almost every night, and usually only wakes up once or twice (although last night was an exception to this rule).
6. He already fights having to take naps during the day - he will do anything to keep himself awake, which is why we have had to buy new swaddle "blankets" (he gets out of it in regular blankets) that velcro around him.
7. He is nearly 16 lbs and wears 6 months clothes.
8. He still sleeps in his vibrator/rocking chair - we will probably try to get him used to the crib over the holidays when its OK to be sleep deprived.
9. He loves to watch his "babysitters" - Jessica's little boys, Ian and Noah. He smiles when he sees them and even watches them when we are at church.
We just love our little guy so much - here are some cute pictures from today's "photo shoot."


The Morgan's said...

Oh my goodness Kristin!!!! He is SOOOOOO CUTE! I love the second picture of him, with the smile and his little hands together! We sure do LOVE Boston! And we're glad that we get to watch him & that he gets to come "play" with the boys! I love his little smiles! They just make me melt! He is a good lookin' baby!

Heidi said...

I can't believe our babies are 3 months old! He is absolutely adorable. Love the little Polo outfit! I just posted whitney's 2 month post...I'm so behind. I love seeing all your cute posts and pics of Boston. He's a cutie! Can't wait to meet him someday. Hope you and Mark are doing well!

Mandy Frehner said...

So cute! And much bigger than his older second cousin, Hudson:) Are you guys coming down for Christmas? It would be so fun to get the little ones together…and see you guys too:)

Unknown said...

I LOVE the second picture of your buddy! He looks so mischeivious (sp?) Give him some big kisses!

Nicole said...

Soooo cute! He is a fatty. I love it!!!

Pini said...

Darling, darling, darling! What a stud!