Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boston - 3 1/2 months

Boston is getting so big these days - he really looks like a baby now, rather than a newborn. He is getting really good at tummy time now and loves to roll over. He has started laughing regularly, much to Mark's and my enjoyment. His laugh is the cutest sound ever, he uses a really deep voice for such a little boy! He has really good control of his head, but still not quite enough for me to feel comfortable with him in his bumbo alone. He can sit on the couch with back and head support (with me standing in arms reach, of course). Today he successfully ate rice cereal! We are really hoping this will be a repeat experience, since it would alleviate our distress that he won't take a bottle for Jessica or Mark. Today, we pulled out the 6-12 months clothes, and to my surprise, they fit quite well! I can't believe how big this kid is!

Here's Boston sitting next to his dad on the couch, sporting one of his gymboree 6-12 months outfits. I remember picking out this ensemble in gymboree and thinking he would probably be wearing it in February or March. Nope, November it is! I can't believe how much he is growing!

Here's a close-up of his cute little face! I think he is such a beautiful baby!

Here's the biggest boy in the world, just sitting on the couch!

I was trying to get him to smile, but he just kept staring at the camera. So Mark stood behind me and got his attention. This was the result. So cute, but too bad he's looking up at Mark rather than at the camera. And here he is looking back at mama and the camera. I just love looking at that little face!
We love our little boy so much, and stressful as it is with us both being in school, we would do it again a million times over! We love you, Boston!

1 comment:

Bonnie R. Paulson said...

It's no surprise how freaking adorable he is! You guys are little hotties yourselves. He is soooooo cute! I wanna hold him!

PS. my security word was farpo hahahahahaha