Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mormon Night at A's Stadium

A few weeks ago, we got to take Boston to his first ever baseball game. We met Nikki and John and the kiddos, and it was so much fun! I have to admit, I was kind of dreading having Boston there with us and wishing we got a babysitter... Boy am I glad I didn't do that! Boston LOVED it! I think he is an inate sports fan. When we got there, the A's were doing well already, so everyone was cheering. Boston was so excited! Every time the crowd cheered, Boston beamed and started clapping and cheering right along with everyone! It was the cutest thing ever.

Part way into the game, Nikki decided to get the kids some cotton candy... At first Catherine was tearing off miniscule pieces for Boston, who gratefully accepted. Soon, however, James realized how much Boston liked it, and he decided he would be the cotton-candy dispenser. He started by breaking off tiny pieces, which Boston pounded... It soon led to James pulling off huges hunks of candy, handing it to Boston, and Boston shoving his face. This lasted for several minutes, and most of the people near us were no longer watching the game. They were watching Boston and James! I must admit it was a pretty cute scene.

I don't know that James himself took more than a few bites, but between Boston and Catherine, that huge bag of cotton candy was gone! We had a lot of fun at the game, and I think we will have to make this a more regular family activity in the future.

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