Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boston's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Boston's birthday at home this year, with his cousins, Mitchell, Catherine and James. We had a small party with pizza and cake (which mommy didn't have the energy to make this year).

Here's a picture of Boston's first trike, or "bi-see-cole" as Boston pronounces it. He had been asking for a bicycle for several months and was so excited when he got this one.

Here's Boston checking out his trike. He still has yet to figure out the pedals but it happy just to be pushed on it like a stroller.

Here's Boston's birthday cake, which is just a costco sheetcake with Thomas the Train's Pirate Ship placed on top. Boston is obsessed with Thomas the Train. Everyday he asks us, "Mommy? Daddy? You wanna watch Thomas?" It's as if he thinks it is just as exciting to us as it is to him. It's way too cute.

Here Bossy is opening his gift from his cousins, a cash register, which he has played with like every day. He gets so excited at putting the "COINS!" into the slots and watching them come out of the register.

And here is Boston with his present form Grandma and Grandpa, a "SCOOTER!" He rides this thing all day long, inside and out. It's amazing how much control he has with it at such a little age. Rather impressive, I think.

Boston is getting to be such a big boy. Everyday he seems older and older to me. He is now speaking in full sentences, and he comes up with the funniest things. Just now Mark is walking up the stairs (and Boston is at the top)... Boston says, "Come on, daddy! You can do it!" We get such a kick out of this little smartie-pants and just love him!

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