Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meet Me In San Francisco!

A couple weeks ago, I was texting Cath, and I found out they were going to be flying to San Fran with Brent's work just for the afternoon the next day. So we ditched church (it was Stake Conference) and met them for clam chowder and a cable car ride.

It was great to see them, even just for a few hours. And Boston was so good! He fell asleep in his stroller while walking in Union Square. It was so nice, Mark and I got to shop in peace! I love this picture - this is what Boston always does when he's tired: plays with his hair and smells his blankie.

Here we are on the cable car ride back to the Pier. Boston was a little cranky on the ride there, but on the ride back (after his nap) he was totally working the crowd! He is so cute with people and always makes them smile. He talked, flirted, danced, clapped, you name it! He totally captured everyone on the car. Too cute!

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