Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm Ready For My Close-Up!

We took Boston to get his pictures taken yesterday. He was such a pill! But in his defense, he did just get his shots the day before, so he was probably still a little sore and not feeling so well from that. We ended up having to do it in two sessions because he was such a turd. He lasted for about five minutes the first time. Granted, he was all smiles and happy during the fifteen minute wait for our appointment. We had him in his Halloween costume (a dinosaur) all that time, and it was dang hot in there, so I'm sure that added to his agitation. But we did at least get a few cute shots of him this go-around.

Here's Boston sporting his dinosaur costume. He was good until she decided she wanted to try him on his belly. For a baby who is not-so-fond of tummy time, that was a bad idea. We need to work on that with him. He is too accustomed to being held. Can you say, spoiled!

Here's the full-body view. Shortly after this was taken, he started screaming and didn't want to calm down (he was getting hungry, too). So the photographer told us to take a break and go feed him and to come back later since she didn't have another appointment for a couple more hours.

When we came back about 45 minutes later, they told us they thought we weren't going to return (retards, they told me to take a break and feed him... how long do they think that takes?), so we had to wait (AGAIN) with a baby who has a very short attention span. He lasted a little longer this time, mostly because he was sleeping for a large part of it. But here's a few of the shots we were able to get.

Cute little yawn.

Almost a smile.

A little bit mad, but still cute.

Dozing off.

Completely out of it.

So even being a little turd (and having completely inept photographers), Boston's first photo shoot was a success. And a bonus, we got the CD of all his shots (70 or so pictures) and can print them and post them. Score!


Annie said...

What a little doll. he is looking so Gifford in some of these shots. I can't believe how much he is changing every time I see new pics of him. That dino costume is super cute. I am so glad you guys found somewhere that takes pictures :) now, more please.
Love, Auntie Anne

Lexie said...

holy cow he is so cute! I can't wait to see him. Are you coming home for the holidays?

Cami said...

He is adorable. I love the sleeping shots. Sometimes I think he looks just like his Daddy and other times I think he looks so much like you. Too cute!

Nicole said...

Cute!! I love the yawn one and the out of it one. You got a lot of good ones, and I like the chunka legs in the photos below. I LOVE fat baby legs.

Mandy Frehner said...

He is super cute. I was very frustrated with inept photographers as well. But they did mange to get some adorable shots of Boston. Have fun with your little cutie!

Gifford6 said...

Cute cute cute! I love them! Now I'm with Auntie Anne, Auntie Cuzzie wants more please!!:)

Jennifer L said...

How cute is that little boy? He is darling. I love your pictures you had taken, but I also love ALL the pictures you guys take. I'm also very impressed with your blogging. You will be so glad you took all the pictures and wrote about them. Boston will love it someday too. Keep up the good work. Oh, but one little word of advice, have Mark take some pictures of YOU and Boston. Love you guys, and can't wait to meet him and see you guys!!! Love Great Auntie Jen