Tuesday, June 8, 2010

10 Months Old - So Many New Tricks!

Boston is ten months old, and I can hardly believe it! He really is growing up fast, which makes me so sad, but I have enjoyed every second of it. He is still the best little baby ever and is very content most of the time.
He is learning so much these days - here's Boston standing up at the couch. He can't get himself up all the way alone (he tries), but with a little butt boost, he'll stand and pound on the cushions, and is so proud of himself!This is one of Boston's favorite faces to make. He scrunches his face and sniffs in and out as he does it. I think most babies make this face/sound at one time or another, and I think he is too dang cute doing it!
Here's a couple pictures of Boston getting "packed."
Don't you just love the tongue?
OK, mom, I'm ready to get out now!

Here are some facts about Boston, age 10 months:
1. He totally knows the difference between "mama" and "dada" and addresses us each separately now (last month, I was dada too). My favorite is when he's on my lap, he looks up at me, smiles, says "mama" so sweetly, and then gives me a hug! I just melt!
2. He loves playing with his dogs. For awhile it was just Daisy that would play with him, and he laughs and laughs at her. Starkisha now joins in the fun, if there is a toy involved. Boston will hold her toy out for her, she comes and grabs it from him, and he laughs hysterically. Too cute!
3. He is starting to use a sippie cup (I think I've said this before) but still will only take a few sips. Not enough to make it easy on mommy being away.
4. He has four teeth and likes to bite things/me - can you say ouch!
5. He gives me kisses all the time. He'll say mmmmmm and lean in and give me a long kiss! Watch out, ladies, this one's going to be a little charmer!
6. He dances to a few of his toys that play music. Don't know where he learned that from!
7. He is very predictable and very scheduled. He has his set routine, which he sticks to every day. When he can't stick to it (like on Sundays), he is NOT pleased.
8. He is very finicky about eating. Most days we can hardly get him to eat any food at all. There are only a few baby foods he will still take - most of them involving chicken and some sort of noodle. He mostly just likes to eat yogurt drops. I think he would eat solely that if we would let him. He has been eating more of our foods though, which is kind of handy when he'll do it.
9. He is into EVERYTHING! Babyproofing has become necessity.
He is so much fun, and we love him so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cutie and a little love bug.