Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our Little Guy

Here are some pictures of our first week or so at home (so one to two weeks old) with Boston. I think I have taken pictures of him everyday. He is so dang cute I just can't help myself. Here is a picture of his first ever change at home. He cracks me up how he moves his little body around.

Here's Boston shortly after his first ever change at home. Notice the outfit is different. We went through, I think, seven outfits the first day at home. This is before we discovered "pee-pee tee-pees." Those have been a lifesaver.

Yet again another change of clothes on his first day at home. I love how he sleeps. He loves to cross his legs and loves to be on his side, despite my trying to lay him (as suggested) on his back.

Here's Boston in his port-a-crib (AKA pack and play). We have it in our room since we don't dare have him in his own room yet.

I just love Boston's little face in this picture. He is just too cute.

Here's a picture of Boston enjoying his first Red Sox game with daddy. Mark had him laying on the boppy with him, and Boston thought it would be appropriate to roll himself over on his tummy. I can't believe how strong this kid is.

And it appears here that Boston has had quite enough baseball for one day.

This was me trying to get Boston to wake up. Changing his diaper alone didn't work (and it usually works like a charm). So I decided to strip him down, but I guess all he wanted to do was sleep... Such a cutie!

Here's Boston's first trial of his rocker/bouncer. He actually does quite well in it. He looks so tiny in it, doesn't he?

Just another cute shot of our boy sleeping. He loves to cross those legs...

I love this picture. He is so sweet when he sleeps on us. He just looks so happy and peaceful.

I thought this was a pretty cute shot too. I love the jammies, except they don't have the hands covered, so we put his booties on his hands to keep them warm.

We took this yesterday. This was out first attempt at putting him in one of his "real" outfits. It is 0-3 months (supposedly 7-12 lbs). Boston is 8 lbs and it totally drowned him. But he is, of course, still dang cute in it...

Here's the same little outfit. It's shorts, but it fits him like pants. This shot was taken right after he got done eating. He always makes this same face after eating... the, "Oh, I am so satisfied" face. So cute. I just love this little boy.

And here he is again, sleeping on daddy. Needless to say, we are both totally enamored of our boy. Stay tuned for more pictures and posts to come...


Gretchen said...

He is sooooo cute!! I love all of the pictures!! I am so glad that you are so good at posting!! I think you are just having too much fun seeing all of his darling little clothes on playing dolls!! I can't wait to see him. Keep the posts up to date until then!!

Alicia said...

Super cute! Let him sleep on you as much as possible-he'll refuse to all too soon. That's what I miss most about "newborn" stage (and my little guy is only 6 months!). Elinor preferred to sleep on her side, too. My pediatrician said either side or back is suggested, so I say let him sleep how he wants!

Sara said...

Love all your picts! I'm glad you're keeping us updated! He is so cute!