Thursday, June 9, 2011

Backyard Fun

For Easter this year, the Easter Bunny brought Boston this backyard play structure. It came just in time, since Boston has for months now been sneaking out the dog door to the backyard. He didn't have much to do, except get into trouble (aka, digging up plants, throwing dirt, etc), until then. So we are glad he now has something to occupy his energy!

Boston had a hard time at first figuring out how to get up to the slides. He is a total champ now though! So here's daddy helping him learn to climb up.
Hmm, this looks like it might be interesting...

Yea! That was fun!

Watch out, Daisy... I'm going back for more!

Here he is climbing through the tunnel.

And here's the extreme close up!

This was so funny. I looked out the window, and Boston was taking his blankie up with him.

So this is totally blurry, but I thought it was so cute! He totally layed down with his blankie on the slide!

And this is his little outdoor water feature... not meant to be a kiddie pool, but that's what Boston had intended for it!
Looks like he's making the best of it!

Totally cracks me up that he just climbed on up there!

Anyway, Boston spends much of his days at home in the backyard now. He still uses the dog door most of the time, but at least he has something to do once he's out there.


Unknown said...

So cute! I'm in love with Little Tikes play structures. You should check out their commercial play structures. One day...

Pini said...

I love the extreme close up! He is such a cutie!