Monday, August 2, 2010

Time For Cake!

After opening gifts, it was time to cut into the cake. The first to go was the Rice Krispie Mickey. All my nephews jumped in, calling an ear, a head, whatever they could claim! Then we cut into the cake. The top layer was a yummy vanilla cheesecake flavored cake with chocolate chips and buttercream frosting. The bottom was chocolate cake with chocolate chips and buttercream frosting. Both were equally delicious! And Boston loved them both as well.
Here's Boston trying to decide what to do with it. It was hard not having a high chair there, but we made it work on mommy's lap!
Boston starts by poking in a finger or two, as Grandma watches on.
He's being a little timid at first, so mommy tries to help. Boston won't let me feed him anything else, so why cake?
Nope, I can do it myself, mom!
Yep, I've got it down now!
Such good cake, mom! Thanks for making it for me!
I started getting too much cake dripped on me, so I stuck him ontop of the table and hung onto him from behind. That's when he really went to town!

And here's the aftermath. We headed straight for the tub.
We had so much fun with him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No better way to eat cake!