Wednesday, April 9, 2008

His n' Hers

Daisy has decided that she is Kristin's dog. She gets so possessive anytime Starkisha comes around. After Kristin, her next love is the sun. Then comes Mark and Starkisha. We went out to the country this past weekend for a picnic and a hike through the woods. Daisy took every chance she could to soak up the sun. At one point Kristin picked her up for a photo, and Daisy was in a shadow under Kristin's chin, so Daisy stretched out and looked right up at the sun, right as I took the shot.

Starkisha has been ousted by Daisy and is now Mark's dog. She follows him everywhere and even knows how to ask to be picked up. She gets right up next to Mark and stands on her back feet and jumps until he picks her up. We thought that with two dogs they would depend more on eachother and less on us, but it looks like they just chose sides and still depend equally on us. Maybe someday when we have kids they will learn to get by on their own, but until then they can continue being our babies.

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