Friday, March 28, 2008

The rain in spain stays mainly in the plains

Our latest Chicago adventure brought us to My Fair Lady, where we learned about the rain in Spain, and that with a little bit of luck you can get away with just about anything. After talking with our friends, Ryan Pini and Travis Edwards, Mark has decided that for repayment of his musical lesson he gets to go to a Cubs game this year. So we will have to see if that pans out for him...

We stayed at a pet friendly hotel downtown and were able to walk to the show and the park by the lake. Our only problem was when a power hungry park employee came and said they would not allow our dogs to walk in the park (even on a leash), and we would have to pick them up and vacate the park. I guess there are some pretty strict rules at public parks these days.
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1 comment:

Nicole said...

I didn't know you went to see "My Fair Lady." That's awesome!! I definitely think some Cubs tickets are in order. That's about a tortuous play as you can get for a guy.